Episode 6, Sorry, this entry is only available in Español.: The beginning of the end

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Guatemala choses a new president. Jimmy Morales is elected under the promise of collaborating with the CICIG and with Iván Velásquez, its commissioner.

But soon after, two different investigations put the new presidential family at the center of corruption. The CICIG is faced with a dilemma: let the cases pass or halt the collaboration with the new government and confront it. The mandate is clear, there is no one above the law. However, the elites have learned from the past and they are not going to let justice have its way.


  • ProductionMiguel Pulido, Diego Luna y Ricardo Giraldo
  • Original idea and advice Miguel Pulido y Diego Luna
  • Script and DirectionElvira Liceaga, Andrés Torres Checka y Ricardo Giraldo
  • ResearchCreatura Promotora de Pensamiento Crítico
  • Executive productionGael García Bernal y Paula Amor
  • Production assistant Fernando Peña
  • Songs Rebeca Lane
  • Music Leonardo Heiblum
  • Sound design Matías Barberis
  • Editing and mockups Gabriel Villegas
  • Speech recording, post-production and mixing Bias Post
  • Archive footage Paola Morales
  • Additional voice Elvira Liceaga
  • With the participation of Iván Velásquez, Álvaro Montenegro, Alejandra Colóm y Evelyn.
  • THE SOUND MATERIAL FOR THIS PODCAST WAS PROVIDED BY: Agencia EFE; Canal TN23; Guatemalan Government and Prensa Libre, courtesy of Guatevisión