Episode 7, Sorry, this entry is only available in Español.: The warning

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Once again, with the support of the corporate elite, fear is used as the main instrument to send a warning. Jimmy Morales manages to expel Iván Velásquez from the country, as a starting point of his campaign to dismantle the CICIG and attack all its allies.

To achieve his goal, Morales has to fight, inside and outside of Guatemala. He turns to Donald Trump to end CICIG funding and also persecutes the former Attorney General Thelma Aldana, a candidate for the presidency who has promised the continuity of the CICIG.

As if that was not enough, Morales orchestrates a campaign to attack the CICIG’s base team, forcing many of their collaborators to leave Guatemala. These are the voices that tell us the story, a different one from the official one.


  • ProductionMiguel Pulido, Diego Luna y Ricardo Giraldo
  • Original idea and advice Miguel Pulido y Diego Luna
  • Script and DirectionElvira Liceaga, Andrés Torres Checka y Ricardo Giraldo
  • ResearchCreatura Promotora de Pensamiento Crítico
  • Executive productionGael García Bernal y Paula Amor
  • Production assistant Fernando Peña
  • Songs Rebeca Lane
  • Music Leonardo Heiblum
  • Sound design Matías Barberis
  • Editing and mockups Gabriel Villegas
  • Speech recording, post-production and mixing Bias Post
  • Archive footage Paola Morales
  • Additional voice Elvira Liceaga
  • With the participation of Iván Velásquez, Iduvina Hernández, Alejandra Colóm, Evelyn, Dunia, Flor y Amanda.
  • THE SOUND MATERIAL FOR THIS PODCAST WAS PROVIDED BY: Prensa Libre, courtesy of Guatevisión; media heritage of La Casa Blanca; Archivo Telesur; A.F.P; Guatemalan Government; CNN in Spanish; and The Voice of America from its portal www.voanoticias.com
  • PictureSimone Dalmasso for Plaza Pública https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/gt/